Kobe YOSAKOI Dance Festival Sep 2-4


YOSAKOI Dance against the background of Port of KOBE

KOBE YOSAKOI FESTIVAL is going to be held at Harbor land and Tarumi district during the period September 2 – 4. Thousands performers dance at this festival and not only the dancers but you, people who come to the event, also dance with all the people there (the dance that everyone can join is called as SO-ODORI).

What is YOSAKOI?

YOSAKOI is the traditional dance originated in 1954 in Kochi, Japan. The dance is usually performed by large teams in very vigorous and powerful way. Performers often hold wooden clappers, Naruko, and make sounds with them during dancing. One of the characteristics of Yosakoi is its costume. The most common one is colorful Happi coats and Yukata, traditional Japanese cloth.

Photo Contest

There will be a photo contest for Kobe Yosakoi Festival. Take a picture and have a try to send it to the contest. Your photo might be awarded and then would be used for the advertisement Yosakoi Festival. You can apply up to ten photos.

This is the grand award of 2015.


How to Apply

Send by mail or Email. Clarify the title of your photo, address, name and phone number.

Email: kobeyosakoi2016@gmail.com
Mail: 〒651-0079 兵庫県神戸市中央区東雲通4丁目3-10 イナホⅢ棟 201号室
神戸よさこいまつり学生実行委員会 フォトコンテスト運営部宛

More detail is here(Japanese only)

Date and Venue

September 2nd 17:00-20:00
・Space Theater 17:00-18:30
・Takahama Pier 18:00-20:00

September 3rd 19:30-20:00
・Space Theater 9:30-19:00
・DUO Kobe 10:30-18:00
・Hanekko Park 13:00-17:00
・Takahama Pier 10:00-20:00

September 4th 9:30-19:30
・Make Park 9:30-18:00
・Marine Pia 10:00-19:30
・Trauma Kino City Center 10:00-17:30

Kobe YOSAKOI Festival 2016 MAP


Kobe YOSAKOI Festival Official HP


Access (Japanese only)

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